
These materials are being made available free for personal use. They may be copied and given to others freely for personal use. However, no Keepers of the Faith materials or derivatives may be offered for sale.

Keepers for girls begins with Little Keepers and proceeds to Keepers of the Faith Girls.  These handbooks will take your girls from just four years old to sixteen years or even beyond.  They cover nearly everything your girls will need to learn to become godly young women, fully capable of being and doing all God would have them to do.  Our job, as parents, is to teach and train, and we pray that these materials will do just that.

We do encourage you to purchase the Essential Guide as that will be your guide through the next years.

This Little Keepers Handbook makes a great start for your little girls to begin learning to be keepers of the home. The book has a very simple design so that your girls, ages four to six, can begin to be little keepers and future Christian homemakers! The handbook includes sections on Godly Girlhood, Basic Skills, Homemaking, and Nature. Girls will learn to begin, work on, and finish projects. It is perfect for them!

The Keepers of the Faith Girls Handbook is perfect for girls 7 -16. It is designed to teach and prepare girls to become godly, competent keepers of the home, Christian wives, and mothers. It includes Bible reading, Bible memory, extensive skills for practical living, and creative handiwork. Give your daughter the skills she needs to succeed at the calling God has given her. Whether your daughter is a member of a club or uses it as part of her education, this book combined with a little teaching will prepare her for life.

The Keepers Companion Notebook is designed to make it easier for the parents and children to complete the requirements in the Keepers Handbook in an organized fashion. It parallels the handbook, and every requirement in the handbook that specifies notebook work is reproduced in the notebook with plenty of room given to answer or finish the requirement. It does not, however, reproduce the requirements for all skills in the handbook, only for those requiring outside notebook work. The pages are reproducible if desired.

If you desire to make maximum use of the handbooks and help your children achieve their highest potential, you will find this guide essential. The Essential Guide contains pertinent information on each and every skill in the handbooks, how to teach the skill, ideas for accomplishing the skill, plus a reservoir of creative tips to help you teach and mentor your own children. Each parent and every leader, whether a club is small or large, will find the Guide helpful. There are ideas for lessons, character training, choosing reading material, and more included. Is your club growing? Learn how to organize and operate a very large club. There are reproducible forms for all club needs included. This Guide covers it all! Don’t be without it!

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